In the name of Raven Dark the spell shall be cast upon these christian fools who so blindly believed the biblical lie their blood shall be spilled for Satan! Under the stench of burned human remains a Sabbath is being held dark clad witches stand around a circle of fire scarlet human blood dripping from their lips pure injection of malice glowing in their eyes by the powers of Satan the darkness shall be liberty and believers of christian faith (shall be spellbound in pain and misery) And suicide shall infest their heart skinless crucified nun surround by flame burning on inverted cross her virgin sisters are chained to a tree sodomized and raped and the feed to the dogs... Unholy blasphemy in the name of Satan those christian slaves will die tonight! By the powers of Satan the darkness shall be liberty and believers of christian faith (shall be spellbound in pain and misery) And suicide shall infest their heart Now on the altar lies one of the whores of babylon whispering come to me let us writhe and moan for you to please... In the mist of the morning their bloodlust has been fullfilled impaled and butchered corpses in a field of blood sacrificed in the name of Satan and all the symbols of christian faith have been destroyed mangled and maimed beheaded priest... The spell has been cast a feast for the beast