A silent man wonders and watches thy beauty drawn from the depths of his heart he wonders of his feelings like the first time he felt in a hope of forevermore shall he speak he wonders of a twisted words he heard and of his feelings that are burning his heart in silence...sentenced in silence A vision seen through his eyes thy divine beauty that burns the highest flames of the sun domaining this world forevermore The calling from his heart he hesitates his feelings to thee shall he speak he wonders of a twisted words he heard and of his feelings that are burning his heart in silence...sentenced in silence From the first time they met in his heart he felt that to thy beauty his soul was spellbound and never to be free to run with thee his mind will be like the river that never ends and the nocturnal wind roams his soul in a search for a paradise lost. As the silent man wanders and watches thy beauty from the depths of his heart he still wonders of his feelings like the first time he felt in a hope of forevermore shall he speak he wonders... And of his feelings that are burning his heart in silence...sentenced in silence