The world is weak it's killing himself religious wars have to be fought for who or what nobody can tell apparently we haven't thought nothing can be done without a argument nothing can be done without a gunshot nothing can be done without threatening so hey let's wait for a better day so why is it that saying what you think is another form of suicide a wrong word and your life will end humanity isn't that kind i don't want to support a useless war i don't want to believe any of religious shit i don't want to die for a god cause it won't help me so fuck it Thrashed look at this shithole it's going Down time to fall just look Around and see that everyone's dying and no-one's doing anything holy wars the world is going down holy wars and don't do anything i don't believe that there's a god that want us to die for this thing die in the leap of blind faith and in heaven you'll be a king i don't want to support a useless war i don't want to believe any of religious shit i don't want to die for a god cause it won't help me so fuck it action maybe it will work and with force we will get peace but tell me Now what makes you think that it's working Cause aren't we doing this for 1000 years holy wars the world is going down holy wars and don't do anything let's give a salute for the dead ones let's shoot some bullet up the sky now shut your mouth for one minute and let's forget them Thrashed look at this shithole it's going Down time to fall just look Around and see that everyone's dying and no-one's doing anything