And on the street I heard this beat Marching drums and stomping feet And then suddenly... Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! How many times have you heard this beat? I know that you ain't heard this before 4 To the 3 to the 2 to the 1, I can be as sweet as a cinnamon bun And on the street I heard this beat Marching drums and stomping feet And then suddenly... Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! How many times have you heard this beat? Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! Dum diddy dum, diddy dum, diddy hee! How many times have you heard this beat?