Babylon Mother of abominations Defiled Every sea and all the nations The whore of Babylon rises A scarlet beast with 7 heads Five have been, one is to come and I am Five have been, one is to come and I am Risen from the lake of fire You whore yourself to us Awaken from the ashes, breathe in the brimstone Sin ridden, a product of lust At the left hand of the throne Destroy, destroy The city of the seven hills Wage war on the lambs Dressed in gold awaiting the slaughter Wage war on the lambs Adorned in jewels awaiting the slaughter For every horn a king For every king a crown Their names remain unspoken Unspoken Babylon Mother of abominations Hand in hand We turn our backs to false salvation Turn your back on God Grab the whore by the hand Freedom is on her lips Now take it and rule with us