We are everything we´re not, I am trying to ignore your point of view!...your point of view. So much coming in MY WAY. So much fading out AND I CAN´T CONTROL IT BECAUSE YOU... are the one I never wanted to deal with. You are the one I will see in heaven. You are about to see things that you just don´t understand. The only thing I really need is for you to believe... I AM DROWNING IN THIS BLACK WELL THAT IT´S SO DEEP THAT I THINK NOBODY CAN PULL ME...OUT! Chorus: I must be the reason for you to be misterious! But you don´t understand how this could get so serious! I am lost...I am so lost! Chorus: I must be the reason for you to be misterious! But you don´t understand how this could get so serious! "march...2005...i had a chat with someone...we spoke this and that...this and that...i reached something...and suddenly...there was a revolution!" Chorus: I must be the reason for you to be misterious! But you don´t understand how this could get so serious!