I've not before been aboard as ships set sail, I tended to my father's needs Quite a figure in his day he saw the world and conquered most of what he'd seen Now the wind's gone out of his sails and his mast is broken & dry and the fire's gone out of the eyes of the Captain. So dies my Captain As a lad he heard the call and sailed the world in service to the crown and king When in battle he stood tall as all the world crumbled down around him Later on he would recall the gentlemen he buried on some foreign soil And he'd call them each by name so all the world might remember And now the wind's gone out of his sails And the fire's gone out of his eyes And the ship's bell no longer rings for the Captain. So dies my Captain Finally free to see the world of lesser men, and seek my fortune Lonely are my nights on watch as all the crew toast to our good fortune They can't recall a fairer sea in all the world, or clearer stars to guide thme They revel in the spoils of war and toast their gods for all that they've bestowed them Now the wind's come into my sails And it guides me forward and true As the breath my father once drew So dies the Captain And his blood burns hot in my veins And his fire burns bright in my eyes Though the ships bell no longer rings For the Captain. So dies the Captain So dies the Captain