Come spread your sails with steady gales and helmsman steer her right hoist the grim death flag, the pirate cries for the vessel heaves in sight run out your guns in haste bear down from us she must not slip cheer cheer lads, for we know no fear on board the demon ship Then huzza for a life of war and strife oh the pirates life for me my bark shall ride the foaming tide for I am the demon of the sea Two ships of war came from afar from Edward, England's king go fetch, he said, alive or dead the captain of the pirate ring but his pride I shook when his ships I took and I sunk them in the wave six hundred and ten of proud Edwards men met with a watery grave Then huzza for a life of war and strife oh the pirates life for me my bark shall ride the foaming tide for I am the demon of the sea Two ships engaged in equal rage in a dreadful murderous scene the die was cast for a ball at last had struck her magazine now one and all did stand appalled and seemed in great despair for the captain too and all his crew were blown high in the air So no more will he ride the foaming tide no more a dread will he be for the pirates dead low lays his head in the deep and dark blue sea He cried huzza for a life of war and strife oh the pirates life for me my bark shall ride the foaming tide for I am the demon of the sea