Listen, children, to my story of a thousand crazy nights Torrid starlit bacchanals of wild-eyed delight Legions of limbs move entranced Trapped in desire’s agro dance Now the hearts within the crowd begin to heave and race Saliva mingles with the tears and sweat upon our face Kindling of lust finds a spark See how it burns in the dark Fan the virulent blaze The animal nights Our hot savage days Strut and fret here for now Abandon your hope In all but a thousand crazy nights Brazenly we tear composure’s ever-thinning veil All the cords that bind us now are tenuous and frail Hear all the mob as they scream Lost in a mad, fevered dream Grope whatever you can Feel with your face let eyes be your hands Break the solemnest vow Leave it behind live in a thousand crazy nights Fan the virulent blaze The animal nights Our hot savage days Strut and fret here for now Abandon your hope In all but a thousand crazy nights Grope whatever you can Feel with your face Let eyes be your hands Break the solemnest vow Leave it behind Live in a thousand crazy nights