Fearing the day would never come We collectively arrived at the notion That slowly pressed it's way Through consciousness That this could never last Even the devout had come around The realization that it was wrong Quietly closing the gap Too many had already died A new decade of shame There was no cover to the offenses Public, great and many We’ll never know that we can recover Depleted sense of pride Repressing the public with fear A boot on the neck of the weak Never has there been a guarantee It was simply time to end the error Into this knot We hung our heads Drawing down The world's ire The other end Of the spectrum Always seemed Like a myth Beyond the point of no return No turning back now The new malefactor Is ourselves End of An error Never has there been a guarantee It was simply time to end the error Into this knot We hung our heads Drawing down The world's ire The other end Of the spectrum There is no hope Of return