You, the first, whom shall not be the last Your days are numbered, those days have passed The realization of truths only propel the ignorance Pushed to new heights of crushing lows The lowest of absolute and total depravation The man who once ran the show Has become a complex joke A fucking freak of nature Past glories tarnished now dead As I take control Empty thoughts and words Thinly veiled, self hate A man who lies to himself Attempts to convince Those he has usurped Pathetic con artist With the canvas of misery Ashamed and beaten Cannot outrun all his convictions But he wears a brave mask (With) heart and mind now broken His past pursues him He’s forced to lose control Control The tedious prospect of wading through your many curses Has left one hell of a shell of a "man" The disillusioned move on, emptied of all the hope They were promised early on from your crumbling Babylon All that it took to mend and repair all your wrongs Was a simple matter of respect Concept you can't dissect Left with nothing, a pale skeleton of the past An object of stupidity Out of your control