My excited heartbeat is the color of hot passion It is something no one else can imitate so I am Day by day drawing and starting On that day when I was given that precious candy It melted just like that tasty gelato you gave me Stand by me, run as we're going My way we're going there with our eyes closed That's right even if we were to stumble My way just feels my heartbeat As we're going to go straight ahead Just get through its girl oh, yeah sing it out loud till it's alright Resonate loudly wo-oh wo-ah to the future Combining our power oh, yeah if we were to run through alright Straight to the blue-sky wo-oh wo-oh Let's all fly to our blue-sky freedom Yes! Don't fear failure, instead just try again If you keep on worrying it won't begin As hiding from everyone here would just make you look lame No! Forget about the limits or anything Don't get caught up in some stupid common sense I'm here I'm here for you now on You say you won't be satisfied until It's fine to shout at the loudest volume You say that wherever you are You can now finally be who you are Just let yourself go oh, yeah light it up till it's alright We can reach for it now wo-oh wo-oh with our own hope The other end is so oh, yeah really faraway alright Beyond the clouds we wo-oh wo-oh Should leap towards our new tomorrow The grey clouds in the sky spread out to hide away the bright sunlight Even if the rain's tears flood everything Our happiness will surely be linked By our courageous hearts making us stand up and shine brightly wo-oh Just one more time and just get through its girl oh Yeah sing it out loud till it's alright Resonate loudly wo-oh wo-ah to the future Combining our power oh, yeah if we were to run through alright Straight to the blue-sky wo-oh wo-oh let's all fly to our blue-sky freedom Let's leap towards our new tomorrow