Kermit: Doe, a deer a female deer. Annie Sue: Ray, a drop of golden sun. Scooter: Me, a name I call myself. (Steve ?): Far, a long long way to run. Robin: Sew, a needle pulling thread. Beauregarde: La, I go to follow sew. Kermit: Tea, I drink with jam and bread. Fozzie: [Puts paw up to his mouth] Me ? Scooter: Me, a name I call myself. (Steve ?): Far, a long long way to run. Robin: Sew, a needle pulling thread. Beauregarde: La, I go to follow sew. Kermit: Tea, I drink with jam and bread. Fozzie: Now ? Kermit: Go_ Fozzie: Go, a gear a female gear. Kermit: No_ Scooter: No, a near a female near. Kermit: Oh what the hey ? Annie Sue: Hey a hock of holden hun. Kermit: Fozzie! Fozzie: A name I call myself. Kermit: No this should be Bo. Scooter: Bo, a beer a female beer. Kermit: Will you go away ? (Steve ?): Way, a drop of wolden won. Kermit: Oh wait now. [Furious action as Muppets colllaspe with laughter and anger] Annie Sue: They like me. (She's angry) They do! Kermit?: Now just listen to me. Beauregarde: Me and my shadow. All: Doe, a dear a female dear [ Followed by more furious action, for all. Annie Sue is hitting (Steve ?) ] Kermit: Come on now.