Mummification (EUA)

The Weak Shall Conform

Mummification (EUA)

You should deny your father
I desecrate wretched mothers

Piece of shit
I'd kill you
But I'd be wasting my time

Deny your father
I desecrate wretched mothers
You should deny your father
I desecrate wretched mothers

Piece of shit
I'd kill you
But I'd be wasting my time

Fuck you piece of filth
Nothing has improved

Fuck you piece of filth nothing
Fuck you piece of filth nothing

Going down
Falling down
Why do you try to break your back?
For some fake hope of happiness?

Gutter stench
Rise above
Frustration, life sucks

Why do you try to break your back?
For some fake hope of happiness?

Gutter stench
Rise above
Frustration, life sucks

Piece of shit
I'd kill you

Going down
Falling down

Fuck you little piece of filth
Nothing has improved

Fuck you piece of nothing