----VERSE1---- Once upon a long night after a hard cry Somewhere in bethlehem A baby breaks the silence sweetly he's crying I AM EMMANUEL Then angels gave him music Shepherds gave reverensce and a message to the land A widow held and cherishe the god who became a man ----Chorus---- Oh Lamb of God Oh prince of peace What tribute shall I bring to worship thee I have no gold to lay at your feet So lamb of God I offer me ----VERSE2---- Can you see the wise men? A star did guide them searching all the earth Till they found the one child the very godchild who ruled the universe Did they know the lady's little baby was God in fully man And everything they gave him he himself had made with his hands ----CHORUS---- I bring you all my hopes I bring you all my dreams I give you all my soul my mind and all my strength I wrap them all inside my heart to give to thee AND I come O come let us adore him O come let us adore him O come let us adore him Christ Oh Lamb of God oh Prince of Peace What tribute shall I bring to worship thee I have no gold to lay at your feet SO lamb of God may I offer me See have no gold to lay at your feet so Lamb of God Please let me offer me Lamb of God I offer me