Ritual Disembowelment Honor above all else The pinnacle of existence Disgrace and shame the greatest fear For those who's hearts are pure Deliverance into the void Four more years of disgust Given the chance for redemption The weak minded are bent to their will Corruption permeates our rulers Filling them with angst, not overcome Their decisions are based on their greed And we are the ones who get fucked Funding for secret agendas Accountable for nothing, with morals gone Controlling the lives of millions No sympathy, no regrets and no love! A horrid dream My reality This ritual disembowelment The time has come again To cast a vote for your life The masses will wither and fold Their brainwashed minds all alike A few of us See the truth for all it is The rest blindly accept They think their choices are their own free will One day something will break A crack in society like never before The weak will perish A blackened earth is all that remains