Mucus Membrane

Habitation Of Fallen Angels

Mucus Membrane

Habitation of Fallen Angels
A third world living in poverty 
Subjugated ­ governmental hypocrisy 
Torture those who dare to speak the truth 
Regime of fear based on the Reich of old 

Habitation, assent to their will 
Fallen angels, lose faith and face death 

Lock up your sick in concentration camps 
Destroy their health, how can the weak fight on? 
The military are treated like royalty 
No wonder they will kill their own in loyalty 

Insanity breeds' hatred 
A manipulated urge to kill 
Brainwashed from birth till death 
Disciples know not of their guilt 

Replaced, a soul in angst will rise! 

Haunted millions seek reprisal, their souls condemned to the damned 
Heretic transgressor to intercede and lead the innocent into hell 
Forgotten solders of past crusades will forever taint this land 
Civilization cannot recover, zealous iniquities abound 

Forced to starve, and be tortured mercilessly 
No prayer in faith will deliver you from what they seek 
Fed with fear, don't fail your evil ward 
Possessing an angel is far from their cause 

Insanity breeds' hatred 
A manipulated urge to kill 
Brainwashed from birth till death 
Disciples know not of their guilt