E eu sou do meu amado E o meu amado é meu E o sou do meu amado E ele é meu I’m his He is mine I’m his He is mine And he knows my heart I’m his He is mine I’m his He is mine And he knows my heart Tu és meu, Tu és meu E eu sou teu Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad Eu te amo, te amo Senhor Eu te amo, te chamo Yeshua Your hand in mine Your hand in mine I am my beloveds And my beloved is mine So come and sing over me A sweet melody Here is my heart Here is my love My love, the perfect one And you know my name And you call me your fair one And call me be your side So here is my heart Here is my love I can feel your heart beat I can hear your heart beat So I’ll move to rhythm of your beat I’ll dance to the rhythm of your love You heart beating with my hearts Such a sweet, sweet Your heart beating with my heart beat Moving as one Such a sweet, sweet, love