It's ten-til-two and I've not a thing to do. How can I get my picks of human zoo? A daily treat full of lies and deceit. My pleasure's begun with Jenny Washington. Cause dad's from Mars and baby likes porno flicks. Mom hates the blacks and junior's turning tricks. There's therapy for my whole family Each weekday at one on Jenny Washington. Consistently number one, it's Jenny Washington For three years in a row, the highest rated show She's sexy and sensitive. She's showing us how we live. Remember it's one for fun, Jenny Washington! Sibling lust and doctors on angel dust. Arsonist kids and crooks they couldn't bust. Nazi teens they say it's in the genes. There's plenty of fun in degradation. A pleasure cruise on an ocean of hot issues. Get people to fight and serve it up as news. Talk is cheap except when it goes -BLEEP-. The nun with the gun, Jenny Washington. Cause it's the new number one, it's Jenny Washington. She puts the "f" in fuss, she puts the "u" is us. She's sexy and sensitive. She's showing us how we live. Remember it's one for fun, Jenny Washington!