Moving Breath

Kore Chant

Moving Breath

She changes everything She touches,
And everything She touches changes.
She changes everything She touches,
And everything She touches changes.

Her name can not be spoken,
Her face was not forgotten;
Her power is to open,
Her promise can never be broken.
(Repeat chorus)

All seeds She deeply buries,
She weaves the thread of seasons;
Her secret, darkness carries,
She loves beyond all reason.
(Repeat chorus)

All sleeping seeds She wakens,
The rainbow is Her token;
Now Winter's power is taken,
In love all chains are broken.
(Repeat chorus)

Everything lost is found again,
In a new form, in a new way;
Everything hurt is healed again,
In a new time, in a new day.
(Repeat chorus)

Bright as a flower and strong as a tree,
With our love and with our light;
Breaking our chains so we can be free,
With our love and with our light.
(Repeat chorus)

We are changers,
Everything we touch can change.
We are changers,
Everything we touch can change.
(Repeat chorus)

Change is, touch is,
Touch is, change is.
Change us, touch us,
Touch us change us.
(Repeat chorus)