What then is love but mourning ? What desire but a self-burning ? Till she that hates doth love return Thus will I mourn, thus will I sing : Come away, come away, my dawn In early morning sunlight, I see you everyday You sit and turn and go to sleep, you have nothing to say As I feel the minutes pass painfully by, happier faces appear I feel like I'm unworthy to share with you this cheer I don't hold it against you, how can you know ? I'm not yet allowed to let true feelings show How can you know that I'm dying inside My soul being drowned under sorrow's harsh tide How could you know that you're all that I want Without you, my heart is decrepit and gaunt How would you know that you're all that I've sought Your face makes its way into every waking thought Later on, you'll of course ask, 'What's wrong with you ?' My simple response : Mourning dawn