It may have seemed a sign of hope That we are surrounded by humanity But they are merely there To pick our bones malignant Growing on the mind like mould A mere sliver of light drifting Between wars and plagues But there is no sound of violence No famine of the mind Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes Trying to crawl back through creation Just plugged in expecting to peak Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes Seed aching to perfect itself Anchored by coffins and the slums of the subconscious Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes Where we boil our own cancers Torn from the caul, the curds of gestation Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes It’s in the gut in the soil of the land The dreams in the stars of blood and terror Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes A whore Moon probed to life by groping entropy Presumed to be the gods just aching for existence Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes Nothing left but corruption a place in the sky? Alongside the artifacts of some played out civilization Phosphine dreams, space dust in tune Drifting through stars the purest of light Elements of the age, the red gout of light No famine of the mind Blood blown moons without life Suns and molten planets Outside the mind Precession of equinoxes A world created on a lie Three kings follow a star The only gout of light? The ancient dream stars and earth collide No famine, no famine of the mind The insufferable stretch of time Down the gullied abattoirs of the mind The old world, a Bethlehem in the sky Dead roots, dead time Corruption seeps into the light The ancient dream through the red gout of light The ancient dream a palace in the sky A cold spiral of systems created to destroy A dense mass of consciousness created without life Held together by dust worms and the dead time Through a mere sliver of light The Sun a mockery in the sky Forming galaxies, the all-consuming life The ancient dream destruction of mankind An epoch of time cutting A red line through the rusted sky At war with the microcosm Reality is just the consensus Attending its ancient agenda For our culture tricks us into accepting it As consciousness just beyond some periphery But now they are coming, they could smell the blood Elements personified to nothing