Wake up ! it is time... "For the dead travel fast" Commonplaceness spine Saturated loss... I'm gonna cross the line That you are standing on... Drowning into the remains of the day Drowning into a search of the way Is that the doom To eat others at noon Perhaps we are the elect ! Post-mortem thought And faith in god Is placebo effect? How's it going to end - shall I cheat/pretend? How's it going to end - vicious circle spreads! Cycle closed Cycle closed Whatever you have Whoever you love All lumped together Nothing to define.. Whatever you lost Whoever you hate All lumped together No one you can trust Why do you let me down As I wait here with open arms You seem not to see this Cause you are too close to me No more fear! I cut the totem of Anger for memories Indeed you can trust No one! Harmless coquetery Shadow of your sanity Will you ever drop it? Will you ever madness?