Grace sat in my lap and kissed me I made up my mind to eat her On the pretense of taking her to a party You said "yes she could go" I took her to an empty house in Westchester I had already picked out When we got there, I told her to remain outside She picked wildflowers I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off I knew if I did not I would get her blood on them When all was ready, I went to the window and called her Then I hid in a closet until she was in the room When she saw me all naked she began to cry, And tried to run down the stairs I grabbed her and she said she would tell her mamma First I stripped her naked how she did scratch and bite How she did scratch and bite, how she did ? I choked her to death Then cut her in small pieces so I could take My meat into my rooms Cook and eat it How sweet and tender her little ass was roasted in the oven It took me nine days to eat her entire body I did not fuck her though I could or wished I did not fuck her, she died a virgin When we got there, I told her to remain outside She picked wildflowers I went upstairs and stripped all my clothes off She died a virgin