Tom: G Introdução E |--------------------------------10-10-10-10-8-- B |--------------------------------10-10-10-10-8-- G |--------------------------------13-13-13-13-9-- D |--------------------------------12-12-12-12-10- A |-7-7-9-7--9-9-11-9--12-12-14-12-12-12-12-12-10- E |-5-5-5-5--7-7-7--7--10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-8-- A5 B5 D5 I'm a missing link, poolroom stink, I can't talk D C (Well that's too bad) A5 B5 D5 What's going on, something's wrong, I can't work D C A5 B5 D5 Can't go to school, the teacher's a fool, the preacher's a jerk D C (Well that's such a drag) A5 B5 D5 Got nothing to do, street-corner blues, and nowhere to walk D C A A Violence, violence C D It's the only thing that'll make you see sense x2 E |-10p9-----10p9-----8p7-----15p14------ B |-----10-------10------8---------15---- G |-------9b-------9b------7b---------14b D |-------------------------------------- A |-------------------------------------- E |--------------------------------------