good genes from a good family blue blood and a proud pedigee they'd given all they could give expectations to outlive all full, too tired to lie plain sick of ma's apple-pie approaching critical mass fractured just like glass contain - if in doubt bring out the novocane conceal - never disclose just how you feel but what great sacrifice lies behind those layers of ice was the guilty face that was hid just an ugly display of the ID ? the front cracks from the strain there's just no way to explain truth vague,uncertain and blurred a silence louder than words contain - if in doubt bring out the novocaine conceal - never disclose just how you feel when life feels clandestine,the action is always offscreen your eyes will never see the stumps on this amputee this amputee.. completly out of control full bore into the hole all set,primed to implode sensory overload where there once was a plan a talking head to trepan momentum ground to a halt stalemate by default