Back in the head where I see red Where the beast and the beauty coalesce I give in to a morbid fantasy Death to a billion families and me Give me fire, burning hell Throw it on my paper trail And I’ll watch as all the numbers go Up in a cloud of dark and dirty smoke Ya I’m just waiting for the end of the world End of the whole wide world End of the whole world Waiting for the world to end Everybody come with me Let’s throw ourselves off Hubbard’s peak And we’ll tumble down the mountainside Into the mouth of all our great divides Ya I’m just waiting for the end of the world End of the whole wide world End of the whole world Waiting for the world to end Don’t you find…can take such a long time my friend Don’t you find…can take such a long time my friend Don’t you find that it can take such a long time my friend I said don’t you find that it can take just such a long time my friend Waiting for the world to end? I’m still waiting for the world to end