Mother Hips

Are You Breathing?

Mother Hips

This is my nothing time 
Tired of always being told what time. 
Don't follow too close behind 
the one that walks before you. 

There are the insect times, 
everybody pushing toward 
the front from behind. 
That's when you realize 
they're only acting civilized. 

You can talk to me if there's anything you need. 
This belongs to everything that breathes. 
Are you breathing? 

Some call them silent times 
but the sound that nothing makes is almost deafening at times. 
If you want to keep your mind 
you'll give yourself your nothing time. 

So this is your state of mind. 
It's obviously something dissimilar to mine. 
Maybe it's I who's blind, 
The one that thinks he walks before you.