I'm not afraid Of the darkness anymore I'm holding fast To the grace that never ends And every step I take You're leading me on When I hear Your name I can't help but fall on my knees Hallelujah, no one can contain You No eye can behold You Hallelujah, Your love has come rushing My heart overflows I'm overwhelmed At a loss for words You have overtaken my life And now I'm Your's And every step I take You're leading me on When I hear your name I can’t help but fall on my knees Hallelujah, no one can contain You No eye can behold You Hallelujah, Your love has come rushing My heart overflows Through trials and troubles, Your love will go on For even my weakness is strong Not death nor disaster will keep me from You No, I'm not afraid anymore Hallelujah, no one can contain You No eye can behold You Hallelujah, Your love has come rushing My heart overflows Through trials and troubles, Your love will go on For even my weakness is strong Not death nor disaster will keep me from You No I'm not afraid anymore Hallelujah, no one can contain You No eye can behold You Hallelujah, Your love has come rushing My heart overflows