Die! Death to the masters with sordid inferior ideas Who feed on decomposed souls Die! Death to the masters Who serve themselves of dullness Faculties are perveted mortally Ignorance supples the bestialities in chaos Armies are lost on the front of desperation Moribund armies march under disfigured flags Tremulous shields are nourished By blindness of ignorance See deaths, see along the darkness of memory Masters footprints have been marked by corpses Ideals fall in the of corpses In the abyss of manipulation Watch for the eyes that are in the trench of conformity They are just marks on the scythe handle Moribund armies march under disfigured flags Tremulous shields are nourished By blindness of ignorance Listen to the sound of the redemption blade Blade that slumps from a heaven of lies and delirium And that is forged by dullness, fear of conformity The brandishing of the scythe And the reason is in agony May the masters and the conformity Be blesses by death Die!