Fogging the purpose and spinning concepts elaborately Just so you don't have to face the facts that find you eventually Bring on reality and take away the fluff that clouds the fire in your tongue I have more respect for those who say how they feel than those afraid their words will find them hung The real desire bleeds through the nondescript Look me in the eyes when your mouth says the opposite Words like a sword cut through the shit Adapting relative meanings when you may only be getting part of it Purveying only part of what you mean to say The walls and boundaries you build to get in the way Say exactly what you really fucking mean Sifting through the shit is what is really obscene Afraid of people finding out about the real you Those who really care are absolutely few Instead of spewing out your deceit Bring out the truth and unveil the complete Disguise the lies with tainted words Interpreting the real message with one that is unheard Look through the years Past the tears Of what you could have said But you had fear It's never too late There is time To mean what you say And speak your mind Utilize the present time Don't cover up to sound kind Become what you speak Look 'em in tha face while you put them in their place Ignite the spirit inside of you Express yourself-fuck the rules Utilize the present time Don't cover up to sound kind Become what you speak Look 'em in tha face while you put them in their place