Showing a lack of respect for our privacy Prying into our lives-forbidding us from being free Tracking what we do and following our transactions With numbers attached to our names technology presents infractions No protection from being robbed of our personal space Very easily our whole existence could be erased Endless torment with rights being waved in our face When in truth the lies pile up the waste Useless beings like robots for the machine No reason for going on in the current regime Toying with our minds telling us we have our freedom When in this so called reality our brains are numb All this has been going on for centuries It's just gotten easier with technology Adding to our files with our actions day to day Pawns in this game-we're filled with dismay Pinpointing faults and eliminating the weak With all the information that we may have leaked Picking at random-numbers to play with "Sweet land of liberty"-an age old myth Hopelessly we go on-no one left to protect our rights Not enough honest people left to put up a fight