I ask you where you want to spend the weekend No I don't believe you're going to Mars On the beach under open sky we'll sleep and We treasure every moment in our hearts I ask you where you want to spend summer No I don't believe you're going away On the beach just like every other Summer holiday And I ask you where you'll be in winter time Remember how the water froze Going to Miami is far out of reach So I'll be looking for you on the beach Salt as the tears you cry The waves are houses tall I know what it means to you I know what it means to you I know what it means to you I ask you where you wanna be in six years time Sooner or later you must decide I come and see you in the middle of the night I'll find you on the beach with my flashlight I ask you where you're gonna be next year when school is over and a new life is beginning I already know the answer you'll be surfing, surfing, on the beat