Drifting in a sewage of the modern art Like embryos in a giant uterus You call it sublime, acme of genius But from my point of view It's a senseless decay We live for It's a senseless decay We pray for It's a senseless decay We pay for It's a senseless decay We die for Long time ago we divorced our nature And got accustomed to the false substitution Public awards traped the creation Degradation in the name of the welfare It's a senseless decay We live for It's a senseless decay We pray for It's a senseless decay We pay for It's a senseless decay We die for We peer at the stars through chinks in our coffins Dull and prim we savour shining dope Admiring ourselves we sink in own vomit Admitting that it is our path to the top It's a senseless decay We live for It's a senseless decay We pray for It's a senseless decay We pay for It's a senseless decay We die for