In a small island in the North of Brazil Mysteriously a man got killed Went out to fish in order to survive Throughout the night, strange lights arrived The other fishermen woke up in pain Burns in their skin, and confused brains Confronted, one promised not to lie All he remembered was a fire in the sky Scared community Reality or lunacy? Operation Saucer begins Unknown terror within Rays of light hit the people under the trees Marking their flesh with burns of second degree Paralyzed, their blood was drained away It feels like a game of hunter and prey Praying to christian and indigenous gods Demons or aliens, no one know what it was Some evil spirit punishing them all? The unknown and fear will make them fall Scared community Reality or lunacy? Operation Saucer begins Unknown terror within So many cases reported to authorities Attacks happened in different colonies Pain, nauseas, skin perforations Electric shock marking the invasions Hysteria spread all over the place They said there was an alien base They call the army to investigate UFOs became secret of the State Scared community Reality or lunacy? Operation Saucer begins Unknown terror within Soldiers and coronels witnessed the case And disappeared without a trace The high command gave them an order Abort mission now and speak no further Decades later, a captain broke the silence Revealing some of the happenings in the islands His reports were featured news worldwide Two months before he committed suicide