Two, three, go ! It's always been a deep dark mystery of life Behold, your eyes they will see I hear your voice, it echoes on the whispering wind We'll take this evil world, wash away the sin Releasing the grip of the evil that taunts me I'm washing my hands of the blood and the sin Behind the lies Evolution of mankind, prevails to be seen Living deep inside the tormented soul Turn your back and walk away from these evil dreams Saving yourself from the torment of the fires that burn below Releasing the grip of the evil that taunts me I'm washing my hands of the blood and the sin Behind the lies And as I walk the evil hallway I shall not stumble or shall I fall Always carrying with me the trust, the honour Created as an equal, the choice is mine to uphold Don't turn your back and walk away from the loaded gun Hiding your face won't get you through, there's nowhere left to run You made the mistake, you sold your soul to the highest bidder Forever to wander death's dark hall, the eternal sinner Releasing the grip of the evil that taunts me I'm washing my hands of the blood and the sin Rescue me now from the fire and brimstone Evilness will crash and burn Paying the price for lies once again Behind the lies, behind the lies And as I climb the evil stairway I shall not stumble or shall I fall Always carrying with me the trust, the honour Created as an equal, the choice is mine to uphold