Disintered from the trench along with lifeless corpses Hollow human forms nestled in their grave Skeletelized, cripped mortal beings Lying dormant in deaths sleep... Bodily Ossification, pallor corpses imbrued The fetid stink of decomposure malodorous and vomitous Shriveled bodies wrinkled and rotted shovelled From this mass interment Disposal of decrepit wretched, haggard waste Preserve in Earth's crust... Whithered remnants antiquated, fossilized And long decayed, petrified Dismantled bodies asomatous and disfigured Discovered in shallow graves Bodies defunct in fetal position Ascarid infestation My necrolotry of human erosion... Corporal inhumation beneath the ground So appalling atrocities of sickening pleasure Burial of languished souls...