Three thousand years of sleep, but now I'm Awake The moments were divided by invertible pain They seemed like years of torture and Solitude, Despair and scorched in eternal fire Far more glorious than you could dream I ruled them from my iron throne Oh mighty lord, oh mighty don't let them Forget The fact, that they betray Now that I'm back in the throne I will never be all alone I will make you pay the price For locking me up inside You thought I would never return But one thing you should learn A true king never forgets You betray me Three thousand years of sleep, but now have Returned A fleeting eternity, my strength regained Black wintery dead, absent of color Insect or beast, unmeasured by all life The sufferings of man's mortality I should weigh the sands, the sands of reality Where all these things could pass us by But I will not be deaf and blind All but my pride they gave me back And the agony they do not show This suffocating sense of silence They should use their voice until it's echoless