Moria (BR)

Betrayed by Destiny

Moria (BR)

Condemned to suffer as none other man
With the weight of the blame on his head
Betrayed by betray by himself
Lament its own misfortune
Jesus death's warrant is the wet bread
And his kiss of evil

The kiss of Judas Iscariotes
The death of Jesus
Betrayed by Destiny
The kiss of Judas is Carring Out
The death of Jesus
Betrayed by Destiny

In his innocence when a child, he never imagined
His crime would be remembered for tousands years later
His tragic karma is already traced
He could not change his word
He could not change the future 
Nor the perverse nature

You knew in a future day
They will kill in your name
And you also knew death was next
And you couldn't decide about it

How I would like to be in your body
I would like to feel
Your wounds of crucifixion
And so get my purification
Death is the only exit
For salvation or perdition