Horns are sounding! A hero’s return! He brings the news the king was dreading Beyond the veil, the night is calling! Fell magick abounds! The realm is falling The darkness now is riding forth We’ve no power to repel 10,000 strong in black plate steel They’ll send us all to hell The braziers must be lit The drums of war are beating Our allies heed our call The beacons must be lit The darkness now is riding forth We’ve no power to repel 10, 000 strong in black plate steel They’ll send us all to hell Footsteps crunch into dead leaves beneath my feet The torch lights my trail Into the wilderness Embers ascend into the dark sky above my head I scale these palisades Of pine, birch and oak No man has been before me On these forgotten cliffs I will die a saviour No man shall forget my sacrifice Pale flickers in the moonlight Around the kingdom now A blaze on the mountaintop An effigy of iron, blood, and man