Sometimes adter a day of drinking I get my lonely head to thinking about What I're done and just what I come from And sometimes when my heart's at zero I think about luke my war time hero Who said sometimes nothing makes a pretty cool hand Cuz I know where my momma came from I know what my daddy did wrong I got their blood in me just as sure as the sky is blue Now I might not be as bright as some of them And I just might not amount to anything But I learned some things I wouldn't have learned in scholl I rememver things just as sure as god can And I try to forgive as best as I can But some things'll stick to my heart til the day I die Like momma in the back room bruised and bleeding Daddy at the table and he keeps on drinking And I just hug my guitar as the tears roll down Thinking some day the lord's gonna come and rescue me And mommy's gonna be all pretty like she used to be But some things don't work out like you wish they would Though the lord did eventually come for mommy And other people came and they took my daddy But luckilt I did get to keep my guitar And if there's one thing I learned that I understand Nothing really can be a pretty cool hand Cuz if you got nothing you ain't got nothing to lose Cuz if you got nothing you ain't got nothing to lose Cuz I got nothing that means I ain't got nothing to lose