Was evoked the great power From etheric Black Sun in South Extinguishing dominuion of Red Race, and his descendants Formerly sons of Lemurians at Atlantis; His invisible darkness shine here Destined to conclude the creation of elements And with extinguish of the ancestor cults Forming the new up with proliferation traditional rest; Today our blend mystify his baptism We are semen of flesh and errant spirits Regented by forces of your influence And the ashes that begin his concept; ...and the digestion of Earth Will complete his existential cycle ...and the blood of Earth Will acclaim revenge against humanity ...and the respiration of Earth Will burn the archaic culture ...and of his ashes will arise The new era and new order; The gloomy epoch at in South Black Sun, black Moon, dominating us In the cosmic instants of mundane centuries Will keep in ellipsis of ours evolutives lines; On this disgrace reflect the plenitude For others times of light Before new cataclysm genocide ...formatting ashes for immortalizer the history...