After casual desire, awaken conscious in the Num Raising up the Amon's tower as existential ellipse That was introduced his occult cosmic ejaculate for creation Made the primary life fecundated, wanted to be grow Nowadays the crucial moment is coming And the being will out of his splenium The cycle of creation begin and acclaim for freedom And the son of incest will complete the act, for be individual It's prophecy to all descendant, it's reflection to survive Born to be transformed by ellipse together with all that exist The forces necessary to exit the son threaten the solitude of vacuum All fermentation is finished the body and spirit, metamorphose And the fecundity in her female manifest For procreate the life, and his occult face This the first semen in egg splenium Beginning, no more Num, no more vacuum Contract and dilate the cosmic uterus, like heart Exhorting new existence, spiting out the firstborn Propagating the conscious by attrition of the light Reflected by neshamot manifested inside another prism