


Enter, my dear Scarlet, 
my home is your home, 
sit down. 

Do you want to drink? 
No, please don't worry, 
it's me! 

I have an offert 
that you can't refuse, 
sweet one. 

Don't be scared now, 
just close your tiny eyes 
to me... 

Drink my wine 
a dark gift 
of love. 
Drink me slowly, 
do you feel the cold? 
It's me! 

I have changed a lot 
since the last time, 
you see? 

And you will change too, 
just keep your eyes closed, 
trust me... 

Kiss me 
as deep as your love, 
Drink me 
as deep as your life. 

Sleep well, my Scarlet, 
soon you will awake 
to night. 

That's the pact: 
as one we live 