The abysmal path's essence The morbid gods' presence Now open the shrine of abomination And bow down in funeral adoration Reversed cunt of sacred blasphemies Spawn of death and spirit of disease Vomit forth your storms of desolation YHWH's doom, Black mass desecration Necromantic shadows perform the sepulchral dance As the power of darkness induce the black trance Succubus whore Lilith in perversion with ghouls Malign blood ceremony of the left hand path souls Sacrifice to the formless ones of the most ancient Death Into the Void we must go and dance with the morbid flames EXTOL SATHANAS Bonds of flesh are now broken The seal of Sama'el is reopened Altar stained with blood of holy ram Draw the black sign of pentagram Sacrifice unto Moloch's glory Spirits writhe in the arts most unholy Scorn the rites of the judeoflock As the damned gateways to Hell unlock Mass of darkness to rejoice in uttermost sin Obscure chants from below to greet Sathanas' coming Temple now bewitched with infernal gloom Invoked are demons of celestial doom