Tom: C G 320033 F xx3211 picking pattern is base note then 2 plucks of 3 strings as tabbed below. then at the end of the sentences a single strum for 2 bars (the extra bar on every 2nd line) G C F xxxxxx xxxxxx xx1x1x xx3x3x xx1x1x xx2x2x xx0x0x xx0x0x xx3x3x xx0x0x xx2x2x 0xxxxx xxxxxx 3xxxxx xxxxxx 3xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx or just by string numbers if you dont understand tab yet G 6, 432, 432 C 5, 432, 432 F 4, 321, 321 VERSES C C G C C C F G G C C F C C C G C C F F C C C C F G G C C F C C C G C C CHORUS F F C C C C F G G C C F C C C G C C most notable memory aids are: 2nd half of verse and chorus are same chords, 2nd third and 4th lines of each section the same [VERSE 1] C C G C St. Val-en-tine's day comes a-round once a year, C C F G G our thought turn to love as the day it draws near, C C F C When sweet-hearts and dar-lings, hus-bands and wives, C C G C C Pledge love and de-vo-tion for.the rest of their lives F F C C As day turns to even-ing soon night-time does fall, C C F G G Young peo-ple get ready for the Val-en-tine's Ball, C C F C As the night rings with laugh-ter some peo-ple still mourn C C G C C The for-ty eight chil-dren who ne-ver came home [CHORUS] F F C C Have we for-got-ten the suff-ering and pain C C F G G the sur-viv-ors and vic-tims of.the fire in Ar-tane, C C F C the moth-ers and fath-ers for-ever to mourn C C G C C the for-ty eight chil-dren who ne-ver came home. [VERSE 2] C C G C it's down to the Star-dust they all made their way C C F G G The boun-cers looked on as they lined up to pay C C F C The rec-ords are spin-ning there's dan-cing as well C C G C C Just how the fire start-ed sure no one can tell. F F C C In.a mat-ter of sec-onds con-fus-ion did reign C C F G G The room was in dark-ness fire ex-its were chained C C F C The fire-fight-ers wept for they could not hide, C C G C C Their sorr-ow and an-ger for those left in-side. [CHORUS] [VERSE 3] C C G C All a-round the city the bad news it spread C C F G G There's a fire in the Star-dust there's for-ty eight dead C C F C Hun-dreds of chil-dren are in-jured and maimed C C G C C And all just be-cause the fire ex-its were chained. F F C C Our lead-ers were shocked, grim state-ments were made C C F G G They shed tears by the graves as.the bo-dies were laid C C F C The vic-tims have wait-ed in vain for four years C C G C C It seems like our lead-ers shed croc-o-dile tears. [CHORUS] [VERSE 4] C C G C Half a mill-ion was spent on so-lic-itor's fees, C C F G G A for-tune to.the ow-ner and his fa-mil-y C C F C It's hard to be-lieve not one pen-ny came C C G C C To the work-ing class peo-ple who suff-ered the pain. F F C C Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to years C C F G G Our laws fav-our the rich or so it app-ears C C F C A wo-man still waits for her kids to come home C C G C C In-jus-tice breeds an-ger and that's what's been done.