Evil Rebirth The night skies, the visions that I see Crimson walls to infinity... Raven eyes, I can see in the sky My evil rebirth, written in diabolical flames The snow falls onto the night's frozen ground And covers the nocturnal fortress I ride onto the northern paths And my soul dies I am rising from the frozen mists With ravens up in the sky I am death, and sorrow I dwell in obscurity and dark Thus, I walk in the forest Awaiting thy soul... I shall awake the storms of eternity I am rising from the frozen mists With ravens up in the sky I am death, and sorrow I dwell in obscurity and dark The night skies... Crimson walls to infinity... Raven eyes... My evil rebirth, written in diabolical flames I am rising from the frozen mists With ravens up high in the sky My evil rebirth Evil rebirth Thus, I walk in the forest Awaiting thy soul... I shall awake the storms of eternity The night skies, the visions that I see Crimson walls to infinity... Raven eyes, I can see in the sky My evil rebirth My soul falls, I feel the cold into my veins I ride onto the northern paths Thus, I walk in the forest Awaiting thy soul... The snow falls onto the night's frozen ground And covers the nocturnal fortress I ride onto the night's frozen ground And my soul dies... I feel the cold into my veins I feel the Evil inside I walk in the forest Awaiting thy soul... I shall awake the storms of eternity I will descend into nothingness Cold and grim is my path I have felt sorrow... Yet, my heart is colder as I fall