Awakening, i stare deep into the terrible fathoms of nothingness Numb, if not only from delirium Trapped, i can not move, can not see I know that i have died, And that this is hell I know that this is hell All around The cries of those similarly damned Wretched moans The screams of banshees Ghastly wails The tortured, piercing shrieks Of children I dare not move Praying to escape the eye Of the tormentor Why am i here? What have i done? A small ray of light breaks the darkness A tender beam of salvation A chorus of angelic voices calls for us We The damned I cry for them, i claw at the walls Begging forgiveness And the voices fade Ignorant to my ash laden pleas Imprisoned, i lay my head For the first solemn sleep of my new eternity O god, you fucking tyrant! Great abandoner! Pilate to mortals! I piss on your kingdom! Your palace of whores! Throne to a bitch! I spit on your texts! And masturbate on your followers! Forever shall i torment the pious As you have me now! A man of the book Follower of your son Cast into shit upon my death Into the lair of the adversary Left to boil! Fuck you god! Fuck your son, your legacy! Forever your name be damned! You liar! You cunt! King to none An empire of shit! I collapse, minutes later my body found Warm to the touch Lifeless, my soul descends