What has become of millicent frastley? Is there any hope that she is still alive? Why haven't they found her? It's rather ghastly to think the little child was not yet five. What has become of millicent frastley? Last seen alone playing at the edge of the park There was no one with her to keep her from straying away And she wandered off into the oncoming dark A silent and glittering black motor drew up To where she sat nibbling grass And an arm with two elbows then held out a tin filled with cinnamon balls And beckoned the youngster in What has become of millicent frastley? Old feelings of horror, resentment and pity ... things which so seldom turn out for the best As the last of the light died out in the west, The car unobserved sped away from the city The frastleys grew sick with apprehension Which a heavy tea only increased Though they felt it was scarcely genteel to mention the loss of the child They phoned in the police Police with their truncheons and notebooks descended On the haunts of the underworld In spite of their efforts, they ended with nothing They could not find the girl The car after hours and hours of travel Arrived at a gate in an endless wall It pulled up the drive and stopped on the gravel At the foot of a vast and crumbling hall ... and hope started to languish It soon was replaced by all manner of fear The family twisted their fingers in anguish And got them all damp with the flow of their tears The child was removed to a ballroom whose hangings And mirrors were streaked with a luminous slime They lept through the air with their buzzings and twangings To work themselves up to their ritual crime They stung her and stripped off her garments and lastly They sucked inside a kind of a pod And then it was that little millicent frastley Was sacrified to the insect god And then it was that little millicent frastley Was sacrified to the insect god