Into the vigil from hiding His exile was now almost up Pockets were teeming with spare change And his mind was eating it up He'd savored the peace that he'd had, but Now he scans the horizon Waiting for this storm to pass Always waiting in silence Just biding his time And happened on a young lady Up from the depths of despair She spoke with a twist on her tongue And a marvelous look in her eye She's said think before the next time You take yourself out onto the sea And go dancing with that grand old man Sometimes he plays very gently But he's just biding his time Into the harbor Came once a clipper ship Sails torn and listing severe When [tide it had slipped] The rats jumped ship As if they had something to fear The captain it seems, was buried at sea His madess had taken it's toll The crew headed into the bars of the town To drink away all of their cares They had waited for this day for years One tiny bottle that floats on the sea Serves as a warning for those who might dream For those who pursue their obsessions The wind carries in it the screams Of the journeyman lost on the ocean Teased by a beauty who rose from the waves A rebirth, a watery grave Down in the depths she savors her prize She's just biding her time